The Big End of year sale happening NOW !

Includes standard designs.

The Best Looking Pine or T-111 or Vinyl sided shed you will ever need. Ready to put a real shed in the backyard.

If you need to open up space in your garage or just need more storage space, we have your new shed!

If you desire a space to to be used possibly as a garage or an animal shelter, we can build that as well.

Right now, the Shedmaster company in Brentwood, NH is offering our standard designs to take care of your organizational issues so you’ll have all the space you desire.

10% Sale ends Dec. 31th, 2024.

  • 10% off all standard designs, choose from Pine, T-111 or Vinyl siding.
  • Need help deciding, we are here to assist.
  • Sale applies to shed orders placed before 12/31/2024 and be willing to accept delivery within 30 days.

Veterans and seniors (+55) can receive an $150 discount of any shed ordered, T-111, Pine, or vinyl sided units.  Discount not available with other offer or sales. Mention ad when ordering.

Order your Shed Now! 1-603-679-3500 or 1 800 618-8118

Have questions? Call the storage shed sales office for more info.  Tel. 603 679 3500

or if you choose stop by and see the displays at 370 Route 125 in Brentwood, NH 03833.